The postdoctoral position advertised in 2022 in neutron scattering from quantum materials has been filled .
The postdoctoral position advertised in 2023 in molecular spectroscopy and magnetism jointly with the La Pierre and Jiang groups, has been filled .
Graduate Researchers
All graduate positions in the Mourigal Laboratory are currently filled.
In the academic year 2023-2024, the Mourigal Lab does not plan to recruit new graduate students. However, incoming graduate students with interest and motivation for quantum materials research and experuence including materials synthesis and neutron scattering are encouraged to reach out as funding possibilities may emerge. If you are interested in our group (or if you are considering applying to GT's graduate program in physics), please get in touch!
Undergraduate Researchers
All undergraduate positions in the Mourigal Laboratory are currently filled.
The next deadline to apply for undergraduate research in the Mourigal Laboratory is November 2025 by email with title "Undergraduate Research Interest" with a CV and a motivation letter. Informal inquiries are encouraged before the deadline because the laboratory is currently full.
The Mourigal Lab has a track-record of training highly motivated undergraduate and summer students interested in neutron spectroscopy, materials synthesis and characterization, data analysis and/or modeling/teory of quantum materials. Undergraduate researchers are typically recruited in a given Fall semester to start research in the Spring semester. First or second year undergraduate students are especially encouraged to reach out. The first semester of research in our laboratory is typically done in a voluntary basis and subsequent semesters are for pay or credit. Undergraduate researchers are especially encouraged to complement theirresearch experience in our laboratory with placements at National Laboratories. Do not hesitate to get in touch if you are interested to visit our laboratory.
The Georgia Institute of Technology, a unit of the University System of Georgia, is an Equal Education and Employment Opportunity Institution. Applications from women and underrepresented minorities are particularly encouraged.